
All December Pokémon Spotlight Hour dates and times in Pokémon Go

Image via Niantic

The start of December means a new series of Spotlight Hour events will be happening in Pokémon Go featuring new Pokémon. There are four events scheduled in December, featuring: Seel, Swinub, a surprise Pokémon, Snorunt, and Snover.

The Spotlight Hour is when a single Pokémon has a ridiculously high chance to spawn, and it usually means you see somewhere from three to nine of them around you without having to visit a particular location. The Spotlight Hour event has a new Pokémon every week on Tuesday for only an hour. The event is open to everyone, but you need to have your Pokémon Go application open from 6 PM to 7 PM in your timezone.

Here are the entire Spotlight Hour dates, times, rewards, and the Pokémon available during the hour:

  • December 1: Seel, and you will be able to earn twice the XP for evolving a Pokémon.
  • December 8: Swinub, and you will be able to earn twice the Stardust for catching a Pokémon.
  • December 15: Adventure hat Pikachu, and you also earn twice the candy for catching Pokémon.
  • December 22: Snorunt, and you will earn twice the candy for transferring Pokémon.
  • December 29: Snover, and you will earn twice the XP for evolving Pokémon.

All of the Pokémon for the month revolves around an Ice-type theme, which is fitting for December. The main appeal is having Snover at the end of the month as the Mega-evolved version for Abomasnow has been announced.

The end of 2020 brings about the arrival of new levels beyond 40. Players will have until the end of December to earn a legacy title for becoming level 40, and after that, everyone at this level can go past it once the quests become available. The new cap will be to reach level 50, and players will have a long way to go to complete it.


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