Apex Legends Holo-Day Bash 2020 event - Start and end date, limited time mode, winter-themed skins

Apex Legends Holo-Day Bash 2020 event – Start and end date, limited time mode, winter-themed skins

Apex Legends Holo-Day Bash 2020 event - Start and end date, limited time mode, winter-themed skins

Image via Electronic Arts

Apex Legends’ Christmas event is back. The festive season Holo-Day Bash celebration returns for the final month of 2020, and it brings a host of winter-themed content for players to enjoy.

Holo-Day Bash 2020 event start and end date

Apex Legends’ festive celebrations kick off on Tuesday, December 1. The event is expected to begin at 9am PT, 1pm ET, and 5pm GMT, which is the usual time for new Apex Legends content to arrive.

The Holo-Day Bash festivities will remain in-game for just over a month. The event will end on Monday, January 4, 2021, so you have plenty of time to enjoy everything that will be on offer.

Holo-Day Bash 2020 event limited time mode

The Winter Express limited-time mode returns for 2020’s iteration of the Holo-Day Bash. For those unfamiliar with this mode, Winter Express is a round-based game where three squads battle for control of the train as it slaloms around World’s Edge.

At the end of each round, the winning squad will take up residence on the train. However, unlike last year’s event, supply ships from King’s Canyon will make an appearance to help with respawns. Unsuccessful squads will respawn on their own ship at the beginning of new rounds, which will allow you to scope out the next train-based objective, come up with a plan of attack, and skydive onto the vehicle to surprise your foes.

A new station — Derailment — has been added to Winter Express that allows for flanking maneuvers and surprise attacks, and weapons and loadouts have been rebalanced to give Winter Express a more rounded feel. Finally, the addition of this year’s Legends — Loba, Revenant, Rampart, and Horizon — will add new gameplay mechanics and tactical approaches to this fan-favorite mode.

Holo-Day Bash 2020 event rewards and cosmetics

This year’s event contains a rewards track that lets you unlock new cosmetics, items, and more as you play. The rewards system will be in place throughout the festivities, so you have until January 4, 2021, to grab as much as you can.

Finally, new skins and other cosmetics are available to purchase from the in-game store. New cosmetic rotations are added every Tuesday until the event ends, with sale items including new Loba, Revenant, and Spitfire Legendary skins.


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