Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact 1.2 will reward you with Acquaint Fate for every ascended character

Genshin ImpactGenshin Impact

If you have been struggling to get your hands on Acquaint Fate in Genshin Impact, then there is some good news. When update 1.2 releases on December 23, players will have access to a new system. You can earn an Acquaint Fate every time you ascended a character at level 20, 50, and 70. Best of all, this will be awarded to all players retroactively.

Acquaint Fate is used for Standard and Beginner Wishes to get new characters and weapons in the game, so if you have been playing a lot and ascending a lot of characters, there will be plenty of free Acquaint Fate in your future.

The update will also introduce a chat function, and you will also be able to tag your friends with a note, so you can keep up with who they are due to all the name changes in the game. For the hardcore Domain grinders, you will be able to repeat Domains without needing to leave them and load back in, which is extremely welcome news.

Update 1.2 should also be introducing a completely new playable area to the game, extending the map and introducing a multitude of new characters, quests, Oculi, and plenty of new secrets to find.

Genshin Impact has been a massive success for developer miYoHo, winning both Google and Apple’s iPhone Game of the Year Award, and pulling in nearly $400 million just on mobile platforms. It seems miYoHo wants to finish the year strong and give us all plenty to do this holiday season.


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