
How popularity and respect works as a famous musician and singer in BitLife

Image via Candywriter

When you earn enough skills learning the various instruments or vocal skills in BitLife, you have the chance to become a famous musician or singer. When you do, you’ll be able to perform in front of live audiences, create an album by yourself with or your bandmates, and travel the world to share your music with your fans. When your character becomes a famous musician or singer, they gain a new popularity stat you need to manage and a respect stat.

How popularity works as a famous musician and singer

Your band’s popularity can go up and down throughout your career as a professional musician or singer. Your band’s overall popularity will lower if you don’t release a new album or single within a year or two. The same goes for if you don’t do a live concert or go on a world tour. Your popularity will consistently go down if you don’t do much with it, so you want to go on tours at least once a year, and try to collaborate with your band, or yourself, to release an album every one to two years, or a single. If you create enough albums, your band can decide to create a collaborative album, which releases all the best songs across the work you’ve already released. It’s a good way to pump more popularity out to your fans.

How respect works as a famous musician and singer

Your respect in the band is a gauge of how long you’ve been with that particular band, or as a solo artist, and how much work you’ve done in that role. You can review your respect on the occupation page, under your job, and click on the professional role at the top. For example, if you are a professional drummer for the band, the band page will have you listed as such, and it will show you everyone’s overall popularity. When you click on that tab, it’ll bring up a detailed page breaking down your role, the band’s genre, the band’s name, how many years you’ve been with the band, how many albums you’ve released in your career, how much you’ve earned, the band’s popularity bar, and the respect bar.

The respect bar goes up alongside popularity from what we can tell, but it’s not one for one. If you want to increase your respect, you need to release more albums, perform more live shows, and be a successful band member. This means not pushing to release albums every year, singles, or push for concerts or world tours. You want to do these every so often, and you want to practice with your band. The more respect you have, the less chance you have of potentially being kicked out by the other band members. It also gives you more opportunities to do singles and create albums for your band to publish together.


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