Xbox Series X

Xbox Series X Quick Resume keeps working even after unplugging the console

Xbox Series XXbox Series X

Image via Microsoft

Youtuber and former IGN host Alanah Pearce has shown how fast and useful Xbox Series X’s Quick Resume feature can turn out to be, and reveal new information about how it works.

Pearce has been provided with a pre-release version of Xbox Series X, which is feature complete and includes Quick Resume.

Quick Resume is fundamentally a multitasking gaming feature that allows players to keep multiple titles of theirs, up to 12 as per previous tests, stored in the console to fastly jump in and move from a different game.

Pearce has remarked how fast is to return into your games when using the Quick Resume functionality, sharing several Xbox One and previous gens titles’ load times:

  • 8 Secs for Ori Quick Resume
  • 34 secs for Fable Boot
  • 14 secs for Fable load on continue
  • 41 secs for Control Boot
  • 12 secs on Control load on continue
  • 8 secs for Ori quick resume after control
  • 8 secs for Fable quick resume after Ori
  • 8 secs for Crackdown quick resume after Fable

A new detail that had never been shared before is that the Quick Resume feature keeps working when the console is off.

“It’s not about swapping between 3 games in one hour, it’s about the 3 games you play over a WEEK being fast to load every time, for example,” Pearce outlined.

Unexpectedly, Quick Resume keeps working even when you unplug Xbox Series X, which means players could possibly move their console to a completely different location and still have their titles store for a fast return into action.

It’s worth noting that this feature is also expected to work on lower specced, less expensive Xbox Series S, even though it has not been tested yet on that console.


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